Welcome to the

Cloverdale Community Association

The Cloverdale Community Association has been serving the community since October 14, 1978. It was formed to represent the local residents and business with regards to their concerns and feedback. We strive to make a positive change in the community by ensuring that the residents and businesses play an active role in the consultation and decision-making processes.

In consultation with the City of Surrey, the map displayed here identifies the boundaries (in purple) which we work within.

Upcoming Events

Our Commitment

To ensure residents and businesses concerns/feedback are heard and conveyed back to the appropriate stakeholders while retaining the community’s status throughout the City.


Work with developers to find practical, sustainable solutions.

Safe and Livable

Working with residents, businesses, developers, other associations and all levels of government to ensure our community is safe and livable today and in the future.

Preserving History

Preserving our historic value whenever practically possible and retaining our Town Centre status in the City of Surrey.


Advocate on behalf of the residents regarding local issues such as infrastructure, transportation and social planning strategies.

News & Media

Recent news regarding Cloverdale and Cloverdale Community Association in the media.

January 2019

On behalf of the Cloverdale Community Association, President Mike Bola released a media advisory.  Click here to read the media advisory.

December 2018

President Mike Bola expressed the community’s disappointment in the media when Mayor Doug McCallum had staff cancel the Cloverdale Ice Arena project which was already underway. The new road was already torn up and being redesigned when the Mayor made the announcement. The reasons cited by Mayor and some council members for cancelling the ice arena were unacceptable to the community of Cloverdale/Clayton Heights said President Bola. Rallies took play with other stakeholders such as the Cloverdale Minor Hockey Association who were affected the most by the Mayor’s decision. The community was not consulted or aware of the cancellation until it was presented to Mayor and Council during the Draft Financial Plan review. President Mike Bola spoke at the public hearing to relay the disappointment and reasons for allowing the project to continue. President Bola also pointed out that the stats provided by the staff were not correct and were in fact misleading. 

April 2016

President Mike Bola met with Don Luymes from the City of Surrey Planning Department to discuss the revised off-street parking requirements and driveway lengths as proposed by our association. The draft review was very promising and because of the approval from many stakeholders, a new zone was created called RF13 which would supersede the RF12 zone. The requirement to provide 4 cars off the street vs the old bylaw which only required 3 cars off the street was another improvement which was accepted.

© 2024 Cloverdale Community Association

PO Box 13141 RPO, Cloversquare, Surrey BC, V3S 8C4
email: president@cloverdalecommunity.org
Follow us on Twitter: @cloverdale_bc 

© 2019 Cloverdale Community Association